Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Horticultural Farming in Yatta Furrow, Machakos County, Kenya


  • Muema Victor Muli Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Jackson Musau Kenyatta University
  • Dr.  Philomena Muiruri Kenyatta University


Economic factors, social factors, horticultural farming, Policies regulating horticultural activities, Horticultural development, types of horticultural of activities


Purpose: The study sought to examine how the prevailing socio-economic factors influence horticultural growth in Yatta furrow. The main objective of the study was to establish the socio-economic factors influencing horticultural farming in Yatta furrow.

Methodology: The study targeted 109 farmers, computed using the Cochran’s formula from the 526 farmers as per the 2019 horticultural report, selected using stratified random sampling across the three wards in Yatta Sub County. The study employed structured questionnaires to source information from the farmers. Interviews were conducted with the key informants being purposively selected. SPSS was used to analyze the quantitative data. Descriptive statistics were generated and presented in tables and frequencies and percentages. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically and presented inform of narratives. A regression model as used to examine the effect of the socio-economic factors to the horticultural growth in Yatta furrow.

Results: The research findings of this study identified the major socio-economic factors influencing horticultural farming in Yatta furrow. Generally, the results revealed that there is a significant relationship between a greater number of the socio-economic factors and horticultural farming in Yatta furrow. Among the respondents’ socio-economic factors, age (p-0.001) gender aspects specifically decision making on size of land to be used (p-0.002), types of crops to be grown (p-0.042) and the land size occupied by the crops grown(p-0.042), education level(p-0.0403) access to extension services (p-0.003), household size (P-0.005) and access to market (0.005) were found to significantly influence horticultural farming. This was because these factors have not been addressed and could continue to affect the performance of the sector if not addressed. The results showed no significant relationship between access to credit, p-0.06), farming experience, and gender (p-0.9) and horticultural farming

Unique contributions to theory, policy and practice: The horticultural farmers should be encouraged to adopt high value horticultural activities that would attract higher market value, besides the local markets in order to enjoy more financial benefits, rather than engaging in production of similarly low value-based crops that fetch low market prices and face stiff competition. There is need to clearly inform the youth that agriculture is not for the old, but a sustainable venture like any other economic activity. Information flow should be clear on the benefits of horticultural production compared to other sources of income. The government should provide subsidized farm inputs to encourage farmers application of the necessary inputs to enhance productivity. There is also the need to establish a cooperative society at the farm base, to encourage the farmers market their crops as a group and have a higher bargaining power against the middlemen.

Author Biographies

Muema Victor Muli, Kenyatta University

Master of Arts in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kenyatta University


Dr. Jackson Musau, Kenyatta University

Department of Geography, Kenyatta University 

Dr.  Philomena Muiruri, Kenyatta University

Department of Geography, Kenyatta University




How to Cite

Victor Muli, M. ., Musau, J. ., & Muiruri, P. (2023). Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Horticultural Farming in Yatta Furrow, Machakos County, Kenya . Global Journal of Geographical Sciences, 7(1). Retrieved from


