Brand Equity and the Influx of Counterfeit Automotive Lubricants among SMEs Engaged in Lubricants Trading in Kenya


  • Gerald K. Gaching’a KCA University



Product Popularity Product Quality Product loyalty


Purpose: To establish the extent to which brand equity influence influx of counterfeit automotive lubricants among SMEs engaged in lubricants trading in Kenya.

Methodology: The technique to be used in this research was descriptive in nature. The study targeted the 42 licensed SMEs engaged in lubricants trading in Nairobi. Thus, the study conducted a census survey by covering all the units in the population. Semi-structured questionnaires formed a primary mode of data collection in the research with special focus on SMEs engaged in lubricants trading in Nairobi County. In order to ascertain how valid and reliable the questionnaires are, a pilot study was carried out. The study used qualitative as well as quantitative methods which prior to analysis, data were sorted to ensure completeness. Coding of the responses was done, in order to enable the data to be analyzed using SPSS software. The quantitative information was analyzed descriptively, and inferential statistics were drawn by the use of SPSS software.

Results: The study found that, brand equity (β=0.284, p=0.010) had a positive and statistically significant relationship with influx of counterfeit automotive lubricants among SMEs engaged in lubricants trading related.  

Contribution to policy and practice: Therefore, based on the above findings, the study recommended the implementation of working and operational policies on forging need to be made serious. The key enforcement agencies including the police, Customs, the Fiscal Service, the anti-monopoly authorities and the consumer protection authorities need to cooperate and work in unison for the best interests of the automotive industry and to protect the brand owners. The customs register at the border likewise need to maintain high quality standards to face out the sale of counterfeit automotive counterfeit lubricants.

Author Biography

Gerald K. Gaching’a, KCA University

Department of Project Management, KCA University, Kenya


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How to Cite

Gaching’a, G. K. (2023). Brand Equity and the Influx of Counterfeit Automotive Lubricants among SMEs Engaged in Lubricants Trading in Kenya. Edith Cowan Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 6(1).


