Stakeholder Management and Performance of Projects Funded by The Compassion International in Busia County, Kenya


  • Mulama Joseph Martin Kenyatta University
  • Dr. Paul Sang Kenyatta University



Stakeholder identification, stakeholder risk assessment, stakeholder communication and stakeholder compensation, project performance


Purpose: It has been noted that not more than 50 percent of all the Compassion International Kenya Assisted Projects (CIKAPs) succeed in their operations within the first year of operation. This prevalence of the CIKAPs has yet to optimize poverty alleviation, given the 16.8 percent of the poverty levels in Busia County Kenya. This hinders the implementation of their projects thus making them not realize their intended outcomes. Thus, the study analyzed the effect of stakeholder management on the performance of CIKAPs in Busia County Kenya.

Methodology: The research design for the current study was a descriptive research design. The population included 16 CIKAPs in Busia County Kenya. The study focused on a total of 52 CIKAPs staff in in Busia County Kenya. A census survey was utilized on all the 52 CIKAPs staff in Busia County Kenya. Questionnaires were the research instrument. The researcher carried out pre-testing of the questionnaires for the Compassion International Kenya Assisted Projects in Vihiga County since it was not part of the selected scope of the main study. Encoding was done by assigning integer rankings to previously altered data in order to give the data significance using SPSS v26.0.

Results: The study found that stakeholder identification, stakeholder risk assessment, stakeholder communication and stakeholder compensation have a positive and statistically significant relationship with project performance.

Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: From the findings, the study recommended that to ensure good performance of projects funded by Compassion International in Busia County, Kenya, it is important to focus on improving stakeholder identification, stakeholder risk assessment, stakeholder communication, and stakeholder compensation. Overall, these recommendations aim to enhance stakeholder engagement, mitigate risks, improve communication, and ensure fair compensation, ultimately contributing to the successful performance of projects funded by Compassion International in Busia County, Kenya

Author Biographies

Mulama Joseph Martin , Kenyatta University

School of Business, Economics & Tourism, Kenyatta University


Dr. Paul Sang, Kenyatta University

Senior Lecture Management Science Department: School of Business, Economics & Tourism, Kenyatta University


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How to Cite

Mulama , J. M. ., & Sang, P. . (2023). Stakeholder Management and Performance of Projects Funded by The Compassion International in Busia County, Kenya. Edith Cowan Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 7(1).


