
  • Prof. Ann Otuko Jasper Mansoura University



corporate communication practices online reputation management


Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of corporate communication practices on online reputation management.

Design/ Methodology/Approach: The paper adopted the desktop literature review method. This involved an in-depth review of studies related to corporate communication practices and online reputation management. An in-depth search of the top keywords related to corporate communication practices and online reputation management was done in various databases. Thus, the paper was purely qualitative, drawing its findings from secondary sources of information.

Findings: The research concludes and provides practical strategic recommendations regarding effective communications to help guide managers in their planning and execution of their CSR endeavours.

Contribution to policy and practice: Thus, the stronger the attribution of organizational responsibility, the stronger are the emotions like anger and the more likely the act to harm the organization. Undoubtedly, reputation management requires a shift in mindset and approach. Crucially, there is a need for more robust theoretical and practical findings to use as a basis for online reputation building via online communication practices.

Originality/Value: This paper is justified by the fact that it adds to the knowledge and fills the gap that exists with regard to online reputation management. However, from the current review of the papers, some have presented knowledge gaps that form the basis of the current study. Therefore, given the observed problem with many firms in managing online reputation/image, the current paper sought to look into the problem and provide recommendations for further reference by scholars and policymakers.  This paper is, thus, important to policymakers in the information and communication sector as it enables them to formulate policies that support and ease the adoption of digital marketing in organizational branding.

Author Biography

Prof. Ann Otuko Jasper, Mansoura University


Department of Entrepreneurship, Mansoura University



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How to Cite

Jasper, A. . (2021). CORPORATE COMMUNICATION PRACTICES AND ONLINE REPUTATION MANAGEMENT. Edith Cowan Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 5(1), 18–26.


