Collaborative Processes: A Route Towards the Success of Construction Projects


  • Dorcas Titilayo Moyanga Federal University of Technology



Collaborative Process, Construction Project, Collaboration, Project Success Company


Purpose: Effective collaboration plays a crucial role in ensuring the accomplishment of construction projects, and a clearly outlined collaborative approach stands as a fundamental component of a thriving construction partnership. While both the consultant and contractor hold vital positions within the construction domain, the manner in which their interactions influence undertakings within Nigeria's construction sector remains inadequately explored. Consequently, this research endeavors to appraise the impact of collaboration on the triumphant execution of construction projects.

Methodology: A quantitative investigation was executed, encompassing the gathering of primary data through meticulously constructed questionnaires. These surveys inquired about collaborative methodologies, project success factors intertwined with collaboration, and the ramifications of consultant-contractor collaboration on project achievement. Scrutiny of data amassed from 135 consulting and construction enterprises situated in Lagos, Nigeria, unfolded via mechanisms such as frequency distribution, mean score calculations, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and multiple regression analyses.

Results: The study's outcomes unveiled that both consultants and contractors participate in collaborative procedures, with their involvements primarily encompassing well-defined roles and obligations, dissemination of information, cooperative efforts, harmonized communication, and the establishment of collaborative governance structures. Furthermore, the findings illuminated that effective coordination and a resolute team orientation constitute the principal collaborative factors fostering project success. Ultimately, the research underscores that a robust and proficient collaboration between consultants and contractors significantly influences the triumph of construction endeavors, as evidenced by an R-squared value of 0.7403.

Contribution to policy and practice: This study's implication resonates in its call for continual integration and implementation of diverse collaborative levels and procedures by project stakeholders, thereby facilitating successful project fruition and laying the groundwork for the assimilation of digital collaborative frameworks within Nigeria's construction landscape

Author Biography

Dorcas Titilayo Moyanga, Federal University of Technology

Department of Quantity Surveying, Federal University of Technology, Akure,

PMB 704, Akure, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Moyanga, D. T. (2023). Collaborative Processes: A Route Towards the Success of Construction Projects. Edith Cowan Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 6(1).


