About the Journal

Open Access Policy Statement

The journal is committed to the principles of open access, aiming to make high-quality scholarly research freely accessible to the global community. All content published in The journal is freely available online without any subscription or access fees. Authors retain the copyright of their work and grant the journal a non-exclusive license to publish the articles, ensuring widespread dissemination and visibility. This open-access policy aligns with our mission to foster knowledge exchange, encourage collaboration, and promote the advancement of philosophy, culture, and religion.

Focus and Scope of the Journal of Philosophy, Culture, and Religion

The journal is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the exploration and dissemination of scholarly research in the fields of philosophy, culture, and religion. The journal welcomes contributions that address theoretical, empirical, and interdisciplinary perspectives, fostering a diverse and inclusive dialogue on topics related to these areas.

Copyright Notice

Authors retain the copyright of their work published in this journal under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License. However, they grant the journal the right to publish their articles under a Creative Commons Attribution License, allowing others to freely distribute, remix, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as the original author(s) and source are properly cited.

Sponsorship Disclosure

The journal acknowledges and discloses any financial or non-financial support received from sponsors, institutions, or organizations. The editorial independence and integrity of the journal's content are maintained, regardless of any external support.

Privacy Statement

The journal is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals involved in the publication process. Personal information collected from authors, reviewers, and editors will only be used for peer review, editorial processes, and communication-related to the publication. The journal follows applicable data protection laws and ensures confidentiality.

Indexing and Abstracting

The journal is committed to enhancing the visibility and discoverability of its content. Our journal is indexed and abstracted in reputable databases, repositories, and scholarly platforms to ensure that the published articles reach a wide audience and contribute to the academic discourse in philosophy, culture, and religion.

The journal is currently indexed in Google Scholar, Scopus, EBSCOhost, ResearchGate, Index Copernicus International, and Cross-ref, among others. We continuously strive to expand our reach by seeking inclusion in additional databases that align with our mission and standards of academic excellence.

Authors, researchers, and readers can easily access [Journal Name] content through these indexing and abstracting services, promoting the dissemination of valuable research across diverse academic communities.

Inclusion in LOCKSS or CLOCKSS Archival System

The journal is committed to preserving its content for long-term accessibility. The journal participates in the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) or CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) archival system, ensuring that the scholarly content remains accessible even in the event of technical or organizational challenges