Customer Focus and the Implementation of Compassion International Assisted Projects


  • Prof. Paul Kagesi Kenyatta University


Customer Focus, Implementation, CIKAPS


Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of customer focus on the implementation of Compassion International assisted projects.

Design/ Methodology/Approach: The study focused on the 8 Compassion International assisted projects,. The population was sampled using stratified random sampling. Therefore, the study sampled 110 respondents using proportionate allocation method. The study used structured questionnaires to collect primary data. The questionnaires with closed questions were answered using a 5-Point Likert scale where (5- Strongly agree, 4- Agree, 3 – not sure, 2- Disagree, 1- strongly disagree). Testing for completeness, consistency, and authenticity of the information provided was then assessed and the data triangulated using SPSS v26.0.

Findings: The study found a positive correlation between the degree of customer focus, encompassing donor and beneficiary needs, and the success of Compassion International assisted projects. Projects that are aligned with the preferences and requirements of donors and beneficiaries demonstrate higher levels of effectiveness, measured by key performance indicators such as community impact, child well-being improvements, and sustainable development outcomes. An outcome of the study reveals that a customer-centric approach positively influences donor engagement and funding levels. Donors who perceive their preferences and expectations are considered in project design and execution might be more likely to continue their support and even increase their contributions over time. This could lead to greater financial stability and increased project scope.

Contribution to policy and practice: The findings of the study are important to the regulatory authorities in Kenya who will find the recommendations of the study valuable. They will be able to appreciate the importance of Compassion International assisted projects to the citizens of Kisumu East Constituency. Likewise, the study seeks to recommend transparency and accountability of project funds to various compassion projects which is a resource that determines the success/implementation of community projects. Since projects are the baseline of improving the economic and social capacity of the community, the study informs the community and various stakeholders of the Compassion International Organization to ensure their full participation and dedication to ensure the interests of the projects and the public are put into account. Their involvement in project management helps to ensure that the agendas and goals of the projects are implemented to success

Author Biography

Prof. Paul Kagesi, Kenyatta University

Department of Entrepreneurship, Kenyatta University


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How to Cite

Kagesi, P. . (2023). Customer Focus and the Implementation of Compassion International Assisted Projects. Edith Cowan Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 4(1). Retrieved from


