Marketing research Strategies and the Profitability of Kenya Power and Lighting Company


  • Dr. Inketsi Chidiebube Abia State University


purchasing costs product satisfaction pricing strategy market penetration strategy distribution strategy profitability Kenya Power and Lighting Company



The performance of Kenya Power & Lighting Company (KPLC) has been tracked over the past three years and the profitability has been under-performing. This trend does not auger well for the future. Reports by the KPLC have indicated several instances where the costs of the company have outperformed the revenue generated leading to declining in annual profits. This has been attributed to the loss of sales revenue and therefore the current study aims to look at the marketing problem by investing the influence marketing strategies have on the profitability of Kenya Power and Lighting Company. Specifically, the investigation focusses on the influence of purchasing costs, product satisfaction, pricing strategy, market penetration strategy and distribution strategy on the profitability of Kenya Power and Lighting Company. Therefore, the proposed choice of research design will be a descriptive cross-sectional design. The target population of this study will be the respondents from the Kenya Power and Lighting Company head office; the marketing department of the company. The study will, therefore, target the 268 managers and the employees at the department. The study will scientifically apply a 30% sampling technique of the target population to arrive at a sample of 80 respondents. The study will apply btoth qualitative and quantitative in approaches where both primary and secondary data will be used. Primary data will be collected using the following research instruments; interview schedules and semi-structured questionnaires while secondary information will be collected by the use of a secondary data template. The collected data will be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative data collected from the closed-ended part of the questionnaires and the secondary data will be analyzed by the use of descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings will be presented in themes of figures and tables. The qualitative data collected from the interview schedules and the open-ended part of the questionnaire will be analyzed using content/thematic analysis and the results will be presented in prose form

Author Biography

Dr. Inketsi Chidiebube, Abia State University

Abia State University


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How to Cite

Chidiebube, I. . (2023). Marketing research Strategies and the Profitability of Kenya Power and Lighting Company. Edith Cowan Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 4(1). Retrieved from


